Do You Want a CMO to Review Your Marketing?
In just one 30-minute call, I'll review your website content, messaging, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media.
Then, I'll follow up with actionable steps to improve the effectiveness of your marketing.
No cost. No catch.
How Does This Review Work?
Has your business growth stalled and is not generating the leads it needs to grow?
If you're ready to take a fresh look at your marketing approach, let's schedule a 30-minute call to review your current strategy.
I'll share what what you need to change to improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts...for FREE!
I'll review your website design, messaging, and organization to see how easy it is to understand your offerings.
Search Engine Optimization
I'll look at how you're showing up in
Google and how much traffic is going to your website from searches.
I'll look at your calls to action, offers, and landing pages to see how you're trying to convert online visitors into prospects.
Value Proposition
I'll review your messaging, how you're addressing customer pain points, and your unique selling proposition.
Social Media
I'll look at your social media presence and how you're using these channels to engage with potential customers.
I'll looks at how you compare to competitors online and how their selling their products and services.
About Eric
As a fractional CMO, I have helped companies from Fortune 100 to small and midsized businesses develop marketing strategies and build revenue engines for growth.
My goal is to develop marketing strategies that leverage artificial intelligence, trusted resources, and automation tools to increase the effectiveness of marketing programs while significantly decreasing the cost of execution.

John NastellI
-VP SALES KnowBe4-
"Hands down, Eric was pivotal when it came to helping Sales and Marketing get on the same page. He is a process genius and completely transparent especially when it came to lead process, conversion and marketing KPI's. Eric updated older systems and improved visibility across the entire organization relating to marketing efforts, ultimately improving internal process and efficiency, as well as reducing cost of sale. He was a champion of improving internal communications when it came to how sales and marketing worked together, and challenged his team and sales at large when it came to improving their metrics, and ultimately increasing sales revenue."
A marketing plan without a budget won't help your business grow. I'll share ideas on the most cost-effective ways to increase your marketing effectiveness, all I ask is that you're ready to invest in growing your company!
No. I am happy to review your marketing and make actionable recommendations. I'm also happy to provide recommendations and referrals to resources who can help. If there's a good match and you see value in my Virtual CMO services, great! I'm happy to discuss that too.
Of course! Include any team members who would benefit from the discussion.
Get Your Free Marketing Review
In this free review you'll get tips on:
Schedule your FREE, personalized marketing review below!